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Sacred Geographies of Ancient Amazonia


The legendary El Dorado - the city of Gold - remains a mere legend, but astonishing new discoveries are revealing a major civilization in ancient Amazonia that was more complex than previously dreamed.


Scholars have long insisted that the Amazonian ecosystem placed severe limits on the size and complexity of ancient cultures, but leading researcher Denise Schaan reverses that view, synthesizing exciting new evidence of large-scale land and resource management to tell a new history of indigenous Amazonia.


Schaan also engages fundamental debates about the development of social complexity and the importance of ancient Amazonia from a global perspective. This innovative, interdisciplinary book is a major contribution to the study of human-environment relations, social complexity, and past and present indigenous societies.




"A Última Fronteira" 
O Mistério dos Geoglifos

Arqueologia - Denise Schaan
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Com formação em Arqueologia (Mestrado PUC-RS 1996) e Antropologia Social (PhD University of Pittsburgh 2004), Denise P. Schaan dedica-se à pesquisa arqueológica na Amazônia desde 1997.

Denise Schaan é professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Pará


Seus principais interesses de pesquisa são: arqueologia da paisagem, sociedades do período pré-colombiano tardio, cerâmica arqueológica, gênero, arqueologia pública, antropologia da arte, identidade e etnicidade.


Seu último livro Sacred geographies of ancient Amazonia. Historical ecology of social complexity (Left Coast Press, 2012), compara três sociedades amazônicas do período pré-conquista e discute a relação entre seres humanos e ambiente na região. 

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